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My favorite pantry goals come from a group of plant-based girls living around the world, from LA to Hawaii, who not only have seriously OCD-organized food shelves, but stock them with only the healthiest of ingredients. While celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Busy Philipps have experts come in and magically "Marie Kondo" their larders (and closets), my favorite pantry goals come from a bunch of plant-based girls living around the world, from LA to Hawaii.
When I recently began a 30-day anti-inflammatory detox, I loved seeing superfoods like blue spirulina, pink pitaya powder, and yellow nutritional yeast in food bloggers Amanda Le's pantry in Los Angeles, Alison Wu's revamped pantry in Portland, with shelves upon shelves of Sun Potion adaptogenic jars lined up with everything from Ashwagandha to Reishi mushroom powder, and Taline Gabriel's perfectly stacked organic nuts, seeds, and dry beans. Their Instagram feeds not only encourage me to keep my kitchen tidy, but they also feature tasty plant-based recipes that emphasize fitness, and the inspirational phrases make scrolling enjoyable, educational, aspirational, and doable.
Without a doubt, #PantryGoals have taken the place of larders, and for good cause. Who doesn't want to be organized, healthy, and fit? Here, I share some of my own organizing strategies for pantries as well as recommendations for inspiring reading material and Instagram users to follow.
My advice on creating the ideal larder
Everything should be kept in airtight glass jars and containers because typical plastic containers let pollutants seep into food, which can ruin your larders. You can no longer use plastic bags and can always repurpose old sauce jars because a few forward-thinking grocery stores now allow you to bring in your own glass jars. Based on how frequently you use an ingredient, choose the size of the jar so that there is never too much air within, keeping the ingredients fresh. Small jars are ideal for superfoods, but relatively large containers are typically needed for dry pastas (you'll typically take out at least one cup at a time) (a tablespoon or two each day). Label everything! Organize your larders to contain the things you frequently enjoy cooking so it will be simple to locate them. On the same shelf, above my blender, I keep my vegan protein powders and superfoods for power smoothies like maca (excellent for hormone regulation) and cacao (a chocolate-y burst of energy). The same goes for my spices, such the anti-inflammatory turmeric, cinnamon (which I always add to my coffee), and red chili powder (since spice boosts metabolism) The phrase "out of sight, out of mind" is a wise organizational maxim when striving to maintain your health. Keep your junk food hidden, or even better, choose healthy substitutes for your favorite treats. I enjoy making 'cheesy' popcorn by popping organic kernels in coconut oil and then coating them with extra virgin olive oil mixed with pink Himalayan salt and nutritional yeast (which is full of B vitamins) for that golden cheesy flavor. I also enjoy making dairy- and refined sugar-free chocolate pudding with cashews, cacao, and maple syrup.
Books that'll motivate you to organize your shelves
A worldwide cleaning revolution was launched by Marie Kondo's best-selling 2012 book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which affected everything from linen closets to tool sheds and larders. This book is an excellent place to start if you weren't born a clean freak. You can whip up delicious plant-based dishes without worrying about whether you have the appropriate ingredients thanks to the lists in vegan cookbooks Oh She Glows and Blender Girl.
Setting the groundwork for preparing healthy meals for you and your family requires having a well-stocked kitchen and pantry. Simply simply, when you have all the ingredients, cooking goes more quickly. A well-stocked pantry also literally lightens the load of your weekly meal preparation and grocery shopping because many goods are shelf stable and may be stocked up (where space permits).

You'll be more adaptable when it comes to cooking and baking on the spur of the moment if you keep the basic ingredients on hand, and you'll have the means to whip up a quick dinner or baked good whenever you like! As a dietitian, I've discovered over the years that healthy eating must be practical; otherwise, quicker meal options that are frequently less healthy (and more expensive) prevail. One of the biggest steps toward eating healthy is keeping a well-stocked pantry with wholesome staples.
I strongly advise conducting an inventory of your current larders before beginning this process. Start by clearing out your pantry, cleaning it, and making a list of the contents. Here is a three-part list:
1. CLEAN: Sort the items in your larders by similarity of product. Are there any items that are stale, expired (expiry dates are explained below), or that you know you won't use? Eliminate them!
2. EVALUATE: Do you have dependable containers that fit or stack well? Is there room to improve your storage options so that they more effectively fulfill your needs? How easily are your ingredients available?
3. PLAN: Make a list of the things you want to always have on hand (you can use the list below as a guide). To make sure that your pantry is always stocked, you can review it each month before doing a significant grocery shop.
The maker of a packaged item will add an expiration date to the package as a proposed date by which they advise consumers to use the goods. It's helpful to know that the majority of the time, a product's expiration date has more to do with the food's quality than its safety. Most items are okay to eat after that date has gone but taste best when utilized before that date. Despite this, there are some foods that should not be consumed after this date, such as sliced deli meat, because they are more likely to become contaminated with bacteria. Regardless of the expiration date, it's crucial not to store high risk meals in the "danger zone" (between 4 and 40°C) for longer than two hours. If you can't utilize them before the expiration date, many foods can be frozen.
To ensure that the components in your larder remain as long as possible, correct storage is essential. Here are a few helpful hints:
• To maintain freshness, move dry ingredients purchased in reusable bags into clear, airtight containers once you arrive home.
• Be sure to empty the container first if you're adding a new ingredient to a larder that already contains something else. Then, add the new ingredient to the jar with the "old" one on top so it gets used first. The FIFO rule—First in, First out—is crucial in this situation.
• When many containers of a single ingredient are present, make careful to put the front-facing container in use first.
• Store baking ingredients, along with any nuts or dried fruit, in Mason jars or other small containers. Use smaller jars for spices. To make them easier to access when baking, it is convenient to group your baking ingredients into one section or even one basket.
• To keep ingredients fresh for as long as possible, store them in larders or in a dark, dry, and cool environment.
• Because some products, like dried herbs and spices, don't have extended shelf lives, it is preferable to buy them in modest quantities. Only purchase items in quantities that you will use up quickly.
• Get clips for flour bags or any other unsealed bags to assist keep them as tightly packed as possible after opening.
Here are a few successful arranging suggestions for your larders:

Accessibility is one of the keys to a well-organized larder. The simplest method to see everything in your pantry is to get a tiered shelving unit for your cupboards. To make items fit better in your pantry, you can take them out of their original packaging and put them in your own plastic or glass containers. You'll be able to notice when you're running low as well.
• Purchase additional units of the same containers (or brands of containers) to make storage simpler.
• Use see-through containers (out of sight, out of mind!) Every container needs to be sealed tightly.
• Write the date of purchase or the expiration date on the labels of all of your containers.
• Combine items in larders; for example, if you have three cinnamon packs, combine them into one jar (be sure to put the oldest cinnamon in last so it is used first).
• Arrange related items together to make them easier to find.
• I use baskets, but you can use clear bins to organize things like crackers, fruit, and nuts, baking supplies, or anything else that isn't used every day. Just label the bins carefully.
• Try storing all of your baked goods in a special basket so that when you bake, all you need to do is bring the basket to the counter. • A lazy Susan can be helpful for small items.
A well-organized larders is such a treat to open and allows you to make healthier food choices and reduce food waste. It helps save so much space which is especially important if your fridge is a compact model. I mean, it also looks so good!
• Start by removing everything from your fridge, cleaning it out with hot soapy water, and assessing your situation. Discard any items that are no longer good to use or that you won’t use in the future.
• Add additional organizers to your larders to help maximize the space; rectangle shapes make the best use of space. Use transparent containers like hard plastic (acrylic) containers for storing things like apples, oranges, grapes etc. that may not need a lid but are hard to organize otherwise. It’s great for easy snacking and even better when the fruit is already pre washed and ready to eat!
• For the foods that need it, a container with a tight seal will help keep your food fresher for longer and being able to see inside of the container will help you keep track of what you have in the fridge and what needs to be used up.
• Use the FIFO rule: first in first out. Be sure to rotate your food and place the items that need to be used first at the front and then plan your meals around these foods.
• Section off your fridge so that similar ingredients are in the same area. Transparent plastic containers or bins are great for this as well to help you group like items such as jams or hot sauces together.
• Designate the top shelf (or any shelf) for food that needs to be used right away. I like to have one section that is dedicated for leftovers so that my family knows where to look for a quick bite to eat. Add bins to your larders to compartmentalize your produce.
• Store fresh herbs in a jar filled with a bit of water (like you would flowers) to keep them as fresh as possible.
Loading up your larders with staples will help you create healthy meals and recipes in a pinch without unnecessary trips to the grocery store. I have added an asterix* to any ingredients that you won’t need for our meal plan, but we recommend printing off the larders staple list for the meal plan for a complete list of what will be required. The list below is broken down as follows:
1. Liquid & Fresh Ingredients
2. Dry Ingredients
3. Canned Foods
4. Spices & Herbs
5. Frozen Foods
BBQ sauce
A versaile sauce that can be used for tofu, meat or as a base for a pizza topping. Be sure to refrigerate after opening.
Butter (or vegan butter)
I usually use salted butter, but you can use either in these recipes. For vegan butter I prefer the brand Earth Balance. Store in the refrigerator.
Canola or Avocado oil
I like both of these oils due to their neutral flavour and versatility in cooking. They both have a favourable fatty acid profile too making them healthier choices, and can be used for high-heat cooking. Store in the pantry in a sealed container.
Carrots & Celery
They keep for a long time and are very handy to have on hand for quick snacks or an addition to dinner.
Cheese Parmesan Cheese keeps for ages and adds so much flavour to dishes – a little goes a long way! Parmigiano Reggiano is my favourite. Cheddar is another versatile cheese to keep stocked. Vegan versions of both are available.
Lemons and limes are good to have on hand and keep for a long time. I use both the zest and the juice in recipes: you can buy bottled lemon or lime juice but it’s not the same.
Coconut oil
A good replacement for butter (solid at room temperature) in many recipes, coconut oil is a plant-based fat that is rich in saturated fat but adds a lot of flavour to many recipes. Purchase the kind that is solid at room temperature; I prefer organic virgin coconut oil (unrefined). Store in the pantry at room temperature.
Free range eggs are preferred. For baking, you can substitute ground flax or ground chia seeds, or semi-firm tofu for things like scrambles if opting for a plant-based substitute.
You can buy pre-minced garlic but it doesn’t have the same flavour. To save time purchase peeled garlic cloves that can be crushed.
While I prefer to use fresh ginger, jarred ginger will work in a pinch and you may want to keep a jar on hand. Refrigerate after opening.
Spinach or kale is my go-to. Purchase pre-washed spinach, and for kale, wash it and tear it up (placing it in a sealed container) to make it convenient to throw into salads or smoothies all week long. Either will freeze well.
Honey A natural sweetener, I recommend purchasing local filtered honey if possible; the recipes here use liquid honey (not creamed). You can substitute maple syrup for honey in most recipes if you wish to make it vegan.
This tomato-based condiment is such a kitchen staple and can be used to add a bit of sweetness and tomato flavour to dishes like soups and stews. Refrigerate after opening.
Maple syrup
Look for 100 percent pure maple syrup. I buy mine in a can and transfer it to a glass container once opened. Maple syrup must be refrigerated after opening. I use it in baking and of course on pancakes etc.
Mayonnaise is a condiment that uses oil as a base. As such, it is rich in fat but the fat is mostly unsaturated! There are many varieties on the market. I personally love the Hellman’s mayonnaise and use the vegan version. Refrigerate mayonnaise after opening.
I keep a couple of containers of shelf-stable unsweetened oat or soy milk in my larders for when I need it in a pinch. Store fresh varieties in the fridge along with any opened containers of either type.
I recommend stocking both Dijon and yellow mustard. Dijon adds flavour and also acts as an emulsifier in recipes like vinaigrettes. It lasts a long time so is a great pantry staple to always have on hand. Refrigerate after opening.
Nut butters
I recommend keeping natural smooth peanut butter, almond butter and tahini on hand. Stir before using as the oil will settle to the top and store either in the fridge or pantry (will be hard to scoop out if stored in larders but will keep for longer).
Olive oil
Probably my favourite oil, olive oil is classified based on the extent of processing. Extra virgin olive oil is what I love using most (contains the most antioxidants and flavour). Don’t cook or bake with olive oil at temperatures over 400 F and note that it is solid when refrigerated. Purchase olive oil in glass containers (dark is preferred to preserve the antioxidants) and store in larders.
Yellow onions are the most versatile and commonly used, but I also recommend keeping red onion on hand.
Pickles Dill pickles are a must in our house, and are especially amazing added to homemade tartar sauce. Refrigerate after opening.
Red, white, yellow or Russets are all good to have on hand – keep potatoes stored in a dark larders and scrub them well before using. Do not eat any green parts of the potato.
Red wine vinegar
I love using red wine vinegar in my salad dressings. It can also add a bit of zing to tomato-based dishes like our bolognaise when used in small amounts. Store it in the pantry and discard when the vinegar smells off and has developed a ‘mother’ (sediment that gathers at the bottom).
Rice wine vinegar
Used in a lot of Japanese recipes, this vinegar is delicate and slightly sweet. We love it for quick pickled onions! Store in the larders.
Sesame oil
This is an oil made from sesame seeds that is popular in Asian cooking. A little goes a long way; it is very flavourful and is often used as a finishing oil (toasted varieties are more flavourful). Since I don’t use it often, I store it in the larders. Look for cold pressed varieties if possible.
Soy sauce
Made from fermented soy beans, soy sauce is a very salty Asian condiment (1 tablespoon = 900mg sodium) that adds a lot of flavour to dishes like stir fries. Use it in moderation and opt for a naturally fermented soy sauce if you can. You can also sub tamari for soy sauce.
I like to use a stock concentrate (Better than Bouillon is my favourite – some stores carry the vegetarian beef or chicken one that is great) and reconstitute it, but you can also purchase it pre-made in tetras. I like the flexibility that the concentrate gives me and helps reduce waste. Store opened containers of stock or concentrate in the larders.
Tofu I prefer to buy extra-firm for my recipes. Look for organic tofu and store in the refrigerator.
Used in a lot of baking, vanilla keeps for a long time and adds a lot of flavour – a must! I like to buy Madagascar vanilla if you can find it but any pure vanilla will work. Store in the larders.
Yogurt A good quality full fat plain yogurt (or dairy free version) can be used in sweet (such as smoothies) or savoury recipes.
Baking powder
Used as to leaven (rise) baking (requires a liquid to be activated) store it in the larders in a sealed container. If you don’t have baking powder you can make your own: combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and stir (adjust the quantities as needed, but keep the ratio the same).
Baking soda
Also used to leaven baking, but unlike baking powder, baking soda requires both an acid and a liquid to be activated. It often forms clumps when stored so I recommend sifting it when adding it to a recipe. Store in the pantry in a sealed container. Baking soda also makes a good versatile cleaner for scrubbing sinks etc!
Cocoa powder* A baking essential, I love the Dutch Processed cocoa (found at many health food or bulk stores) due to its dark colour and richness that it adds to baking but other types of cocoa work well too. Store in a sealed container in the pantry.
Look for unsweetened coconut: either shredded or flaked will work equally well in most recipes. Store in a sealed container in the larders.
Corn Starch* A starch made from corn, it is inexpensive and acts as a thickener with mixed with water and heated (must be boiled for 1-2 minutes to cook the starch out of it). Corn starch also can be added to recipes to give a crisp texture such as baked or fried tofu or chicken fingers.
Crackers* Whole grain crackers make a great snack but can also be crushed up to substitute for bread crumbs in a lot of recipes in a pinch.
Flour You can use either all-purpose flour or whole wheat flour in most recipes. It is used in a lot of baking recipes and keeps for a long time stored in the larders in a sealed container. Use a gluten free 1:1 flour mix as a gluten free alternative if needed.
Ground flax (optional)
Ground flax is a plant-based alternative to eggs in many baking recipes, but ground chia will also work.
Nutritional yeast (optional)
Flaked nutritional yeast (aka ‘Nooch’) is a great way to add a cheesy flavour to vegetarian dishes – look for a variety that is fortified with vitamin B12 if you are relying on that for nutrition reasons if you are vegetarian. Note that nutritional yeast is not the same as baking yeast or brewer’s yeast and cannot be used interchangeably.
Nuts Pecans and raw almonds are the two nuts that I keep stocked in my pantry. They are rich in healthy fats, protein and fibre. I recommend having whole almonds along with sliced or slivered almonds. Store in a tightly sealed container in the larders.
Oats I recommend buying large flake oats (aka old-fashioned oats). You can substitute quick oats if you need to, they will just cook quicker and will not have as much texture. Oats are a healthy, fibre-rich grain product and are incredibly versatile. We use them for baked oatmeal, granola and overnight oats. Store in a sealed container in the pantry.
Panko (or bread crumbs)
I prefer Panko (Japanese bread crumbs) over regular bread crumbs, but either will work! Panko gives a crispier finish and should be stored in a sealed package or container in the pantry.
Pasta I like to keep at least one short shape (like fusilli or penne) and one long shape (like capellini, linguine or spaghetti) on hand at all times along with a package of rice noodles. They can often be used interchangeably in a recipe as long as the shape is similar if you don’t have a variety that is specified, but you will have to adjust the cook time accordingly (reference package instructions). Choose whole grain versions whenever possible.
Pumpkin seeds
One of my favourite seeds, pumpkin seeds are the literally the seeds from the pumpkin. You can use either raw or roasted ones for these recipes though I tend to use raw. Store in the larders in a sealed container.
A protein-rich and fibre-filled grain, quinoa is also gluten free. It can be made in advance and frozen for future use, and is great used as a base for a stir fry, tossed in a salad or even as a breakfast cereal! Store dried quinoa in the larders in a sealed container.
Such a good ingredient to keep on hand – throw them into oatmeal, granola, overnight oats or baking. I use Thompson raisins but other varieties will work.
Rice comes in so many different varieties! My favourite is Jasmine rice, but you can use any medium or long grain rice in these recipes. Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice but either will work in these recipes! Brown rice takes longer to cook. Store rice in a sealed container in the pantry.
Sugar I keep brown sugar and cane sugar on hand – coconut sugar can be substituted in most recipes. Both should be stored in the pantry in a sealed container. To soften hardened brown sugar simply add a slice of bread or apple to the container and let it sit overnight before removing and discarding the apple or bread.
Yeast* Used in baking recipes (ie: bread), I recommend purchasing Active Dry yeast.
Not a must, but wine can add a lot of flavour to dishes. I recommend keeping a bottle each of good quality (one that you would drink) of white and red wine. You can substitute stock for wine in recipes that call for it! I don’t recommend buying ‘cooking wine’ that you see at the grocery store.
Black beans
We love black beans in many dishes, but mainly Mexican ones. They are such a versatile bean and can be added to salads, tacos or breakfast wraps. Like all beans, are packed with fibre and plant protein. Rinse the beans when you open them before using and store any extras in the fridge in a sealed container. Unopened cans of beans should be stored in the larders.
I always have a jar of capers on hand, which are actually edible flower buds from the caper bush that are pickled. I add them to tartar sauce – they are optional but we love them! Store opened jars in the larders.
Chickpeas Chickpeas are hearty and keep their shape and are great used in salads or roasted for a snack. Canned chickpeas are the quickest and most convenient, but you can purchase them dried and cook your own from scratch. They can also be blended to make a quick hummus. Like all beans, chickpeas are packed with fibre and plant protein. Rinse the beans when you open them before using and store any extras in the fridge in a sealed container. Unopened cans of beans should be stored in the larders.
A nutrition powerhouse, dry lentils don’t take long to cook and don’t require soaking (should you wish to cook from dry), but canned lentils are what we called for in these recipes to help save time. They are rich in protein and fibre, neutral in taste and can add a hearty texture to soups and sauces.
Diced tomatoes
Diced tomatoes are a larders staple and are an easy way to incorporate tomatoes into cooked dishes in a pinch. We call for large cans of diced tomatoes in these recipes. Buy the best quality you can find and store them in the pantry.
A good jar of salsa is a great ingredient to keep on hand for those days where you don’t want to make your own! Refrigerate after opening.
Tomato paste
Tomato paste adds a concentrated tomato flavour to many recipes. You can purchase cans or tubes of tomato paste. I keep both on hand, and when a recipe calls for less than a can of tomato paste, I use the tube to avoid waste. You can refrigerate or freeze any extra opened tomato paste for later use. Unopened cans or tubes can be stored in the larders.
Tomato sauce* A good quality tomato sauce (I like the ones in the glass jars) is a great pantry staple to have on hand to add to sautéed veggies and/or ground for a quick meal.
All spices should be stored in a sealed container in the larders in a dark cool location. They will lose their taste over time so it is best to buy spices in small quantities.
Salt Standard table salt can be used for salting water for pasta and other general uses (and everything else), but you can purchase sea salt or Himalayan pink salt for finishing dishes if you wish. Table salt is fortified with iodine which helps protect our population from iodine deficiency since it is such a common ingredient in North American households.
Cajun spice
A blend of many of our favourite spices, Cajun spice typically includes some combination of cayenne, garlic powder, paprika, and pepper.
Chili powder
There are many types of chili powder on the market: we used standard supermarket Mexican chili powder in these recipes.
My favourite spice, cinnamon is so cozy and is great added to baking or oatmeal. We use it a lot in these recipes.
I love ground cumin for Mexican recipes but we also use it in our Lentil Soup – it is very flavourful!
Dried fennel
You can purchase fennel either whole or ground. We call for ground fennel, so if you don’t have a mortar and pestle, I would recommend buying it ground. It is so yummy added to tomato pasta sauces!
Dried oregano
Used in a lot of Italian cooking, oregano is a great herb to have keeps for a long time.
Garlic & Onion powder
Not to be confused with garlic salt, garlic powder is a great way to add extra garlic flavour to many recipes where you don’t want to use fresh garlic (ie: a spice rub or a seasoning mixture). It’s made from crushed dehydrated garlic. The same goes for onion powder! Different from onion salt, onion powder is a great way to incorporate onion flavour in instances where fresh can’t be used. Paprika
Used in moderation paprika adds a lot of flavour. It is made from dried peppers and comes in many different varieties including sweet, hot and smoked. We use sweet paprika (or just standard paprika if you are looking at larders).
You can grind your own pepper with a grinder or just use pre-packaged ground pepper. I keep a little vessel of it on my counter to make it easy to use since I use it so often. I use black pepper.
Taco seasoning
You can make your own taco seasoning should you wish (or if you can’t get any) but a store-bought version works too, it’s up to you! Simply mix together 1/4 cup chili powder, 1 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon corn starch, 1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 tablespoon paprika, 2 teaspoons garlic powder and 2 teaspoons dried oregano. Store in a sealed container in the pantry with the rest of your spices.
I buy my favourite bread and keep it in the larders so that I never run out! Always look for whole grain flour as the first ingredient.
Frozen bananas
You can use fresh bananas in these recipes or if you have ripe bananas that you don’t want to throw away simply peel them and freeze them on a baking sheet – store them in a sealed container in the freezer for quick addition to a smoothie or to make banana bread (or baked oatmeal).
Frozen blueberries
Filled with antioxidants, frozen blueberries are a standard! We buy local BC blueberries which are frozen immediately after being picked, retaining more of their nutrients and freshness. Add them to smoothies, muffins or make a healthy crisp out of them (we included a great recipe here!).
Frozen corn
A great staple to keep on hand, we add it into soups or simply serve it as a side. You can often substitute canned corn if you can’t find frozen.
Frozen fish, seafood & meat
Salmon and other white fish comes in individual portions and is a great food to keep in the larders along with raw shrimp. It is often fresher if purchased that way vs at the grocery counter, depending on how long it has been sitting there. A couple packages of frozen ground meat (chicken, turkey or beef) along with a package of boneless skinless chicken thighs are good to have on hand in the freezer.
Frozen kale
You can freeze your own kale if you can’t find frozen by simply tearing washed kale into small pieces, freezing on a baking sheet and storing in a sealed container or bag in the freezer. It is great for adding into smoothies or pastas.
Frozen peas
Look for petite peas when buying frozen peas for the best quality and sweetness. We add them into soups and pastas or serve them as a side dish. Canned peas are very soft and don’t make a great substitute for frozen.
Frozen pineapple
Such a great ingredient to have on hand, we mostly use this in smoothies. You can freeze your own pineapple if you can’t find frozen. Simply cut the ends, skin and core off of the pineapple, cut it into chunks and freeze it on a baking sheet. Store the cut frozen pineapple in a sealed container.
Veggie ground or tempeh
This keeps frozen and can be pulled out in a pinch for a quick plant-based meal.
If you can, invest in good quality tools and skip the extra gadgets – a couple of really good knives, high quality wooden spoons and good stainless steel and castiron cookware (and some high-quality non-stick ones) can go a long way!
UTENSILS Can opener
No explanation needed! A must!
Garlic press (optional)
You can also use a knife to mince garlic (more work) or a microplane to grate it, but I love my garlic press. I don’t enjoy using pre crushed garlic personally but it is up to you!
Grater A box grater is an inexpensive gadget and a must in my kitchen. It doesn’t have to be fancy!
Good knives: paring knife & chef knife
My favourite brand is Miyabi for these but there are so many out there.
Instant read thermometer
I use this for making sure that meat is cooked throughout. Highly recommend.
Measuring cups
Liquid measuring cups are a must – I have a small one and a large one and use them on the daily. I also recommend dry measuring cups (a set) for measuring dry ingredients.
Measuring spoons
A set of measuring spoons is an inexpensive investment and lets you bake and cook with ease and precision.
Microplane (or the finest side of the grater)
I love our microplane and use it for zesting citrus, grating ginger or garlic.
Vegetable peeler
Any type will work (there are many out there) but this is an essential.
Rubber spatula
Used for scraping out that last bit of batter so nothing is wasted!
Soup ladle
For serving soup. You can use a mug in a pinch if you don’t have one
I use my tongs a lot to flip foods in a pan or in the oven – very handy. I love the OXO brand.
A medium sized whisk is great for scrambling eggs or whisking together dry ingredients for baking.
Wooden spoon
I have a collection – they last forever! I like having one with a flat edge to it and at least one more with a round edge, they are a highly used kitchen item. You can season them with mineral oil to keep them from drying out. I recommend hand washing them.
COOKWARE Pans I recommend having at least 1 large and 2 medium sauce pans. Non-stick is helpful: I like the Ballarini ones or the Always Pan by Our Place.
Pots I recommend stocking your kitchen with 1 large, 2 medium and 1 small pot which will give you the most flexibility. I like the Paderno brand. I have a large Staub cocotte and it is so nice to have for soups or stews (there are other brands as well).
Baking sheets I have multiple baking sheets (with sides) in various sizes but recommend stocking your larders with 2 large ones and 1 smaller one. I use them for roasting vegetables, toasting nuts and so much more.
Baking dishes (or pans) I recommend stocking your kitchen with a 9×9” square baking dish or pan and a 9×13” one.
I have a Vitamix (Ascent 3500) but most blenders will do the trick! Good for making smoothies or sauces.
Immersion blender
I LOVE our larders and use it mostly for pureeing soups and sauces. I recommend purchasing one that has a mini food processor attachment to it as well.
Food Processor
I enjoy using our larders but this isn’t an essential piece of kitchen equipment. They are bulky to store but make quick work out of chopping and shredding on prep days.
While you don’t need a microwave, they are handy for heating ingredients or melting foods. You can usually just use a pot on the stove instead!
I have both a stand mixer and a hand mixer – the hand mixer is really handy, less expensive and easier to store. I use them for baking things like cookies.
I have a small digital kitchen scale that is so nice to have – I highly recommend! They aren’t expensive but are extremely useful.
Such a useful kitchen appliance to have and so inexpensive.
Aluminum foil For lining pans or tenting cooked foods to let them rest when needed. You can recycle aluminum foil!
Cooking spray Great for baking! Try spraying your loaf pans with cooking spray before lining with parchment paper to help them stick.
Mixing bowls
I have a variety of sizes that are essential to a well-stocked kitchen. Get ones that stack to save space, and if you can find ones that have lids on them!
Large cutting board
This is essential – purchase mineral oil to oil the board if it gets dry if you have a wood one. I have a couple of plastic ones that I routinely bleach to keep bacteria from accumulating.
Paper towel
You can use the reusable ones too but they are good to have on hand.
Parchment paper I love parchment for saving the heavy lifting when it comes to cleaning pans when you bake or roast foods.
Resealable storage containers
I have these in multiple sizes to accommodate leftovers or prepped ingredients. I recommend buying multiples of the same brand so that they stack properly. I love glass ones!
Sieve or colander
I have both – a large colander and a medium sieve which has finer holes.
Oven mitts
Get a good pair that are properly insulated – your hands will thank you!
Beeswax wraps are the most environmentally friendly if you can manage to swapout your plastic wrap for this!
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